Sunday 9 August 2020

A Picture!

 Well, I'm not a photo person, I don't like taking pictures, but when I do it usually it's because I'm with someone special or the place deserves it. This is one of my favorite pictures, it must be because it was one of the last times I was with my family.

From left to right is my grandfather Safi, my brother Gaspar, my uncle Esteban who is like a brother to me, my niece Amandita and me. It was the last Christmas, and like all Christmases, we spent it together, but this time my dad had just made the terrace, so for this holiday we opened it, and it was a beautiful night, I am always excited to see how children open their gifts, and then go out to the street to open them. On the other hand the older ones talk, play games, give each other our secret friend gifts, and give each other cards. My family's Christmases are always fun, and whenever we are together they are unforgettable moments. At this moment I see this picture and I miss these memories, nobody could have told us that now we would not see each other for a long time and that hugging and being all together embraced could be so difficult. I love my family very much and miss them even more, but, it is good to have these memories that for a moment make me feel them close.


 My favorite music is pop songs, R&B, jazz and rhythms like these, although my music changes very often, always what I listen to depends on how I feel during the day, so I can listen to rock from time to time, sometimes reggaeton, sometimes Latin rhythms like salsa, and I even like to listen to music in different languages from English and Spanish, like Turkish, Korean, Portuguese. 

My favorite singer, I immediately say it's Beyoncé, and it's because of her that I listen to different rhythms, since she's a very versatile artist so her songs have different rhythms. My favorite album from her, is Lemonade, I like all the songs on this album that I could not say which is my favorite. But my favorite, of all her songs, is "Love on top". I'm also a big fan of Shakira, but, essentially I like her old songs, they remind me a lot of when I was little and the weekends with my mom we would clean the house and listen to these songs.

And if we talk about the group, I would say that I like to listen to a lot of Queen and I owe this to my dad, who taught me since I was little to sing and pronounce the songs of this group well. 

And in general, I could say that I listen to a little bit of everything, I don't like to focus only on one rhythm, so I could say that I LOVE ALL MUSIC!

Beyoncé desvela cómo perdió 10 kilos en 22 días | Actualidad | LOS40

My favourite pieces of technology

At this very moment of life, I couldn't imagine myself without my cell phone and my computer. I carry my cell phone everywhere, it's small and anytime I feel lonely or need someone, I know it's just a matter of taking out my cell phone and making a call to contact my essential people. Besides, this small device can have so many applications, I can do many things with it, I can read on the bus, I can listen to music while running, I can take pictures at any time, and I can talk to my family and friends all day long. The computer, on the other hand, is necessary in my student life, especially in these times of pandemic, around here I see the classes, do the work they send, and I can even talk to my classmates while we do a job. Although I can also watch movies and series, I can play.

 Without these two devices I can't imagine how difficult life would be, without hearing or being able to see mainly my family and friends, that's why they are my favorites👍😍

Why did i choose my career?

I mainly chose my career because I always had a great interest in food, knowing where it came from, how it is produced, and everything that goes with these processes. I also always considered myself a restless person and thought that I could not work the rest of my life locked up in an office, or in a hospital, and I considered that there was nothing like work in an open field, so I became passionate about this career. At first year, I considered changing, because very few subjects were in relation to plants, but when I reached second year I was completely convinced. My dream is to work with small farmers and help them to improve their fields, a part of this, I owe it to my grandfather, who lives in the south and has his field, he has taught me beautiful things about the crops that I have not been taught at the university, so I consider that the direct contact with local farmers is a nice area to have new knowledge. So here i am in my fifth year of Agriculture and I don't regret it!

A Picture!

 Well, I'm not a photo person, I don't like taking pictures, but when I do it usually it's because I'm with someone special ...